domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009

buBbLe being set up in a parking space

buBbLe tries to advocate a space and a time for non-permanent dwellings. We believe it is possible to create contemporary residential units that penetrate the city’s interstitial spaces. These units would thus complete the city’s functioning and allow for the newly arrived, or displaced people in general, to gradually settle in the city. Semi-regulated spaces that, accepting the transience of new residents, alter their character slightly and contribute to social inclusion.

In this case, we chose a parking space on the outskirts of the city.

More pictures in:

Do not lose the video in:

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009


As a starting point, we considered the need of having a minimal house that a person could carry with them. It could be either a house owned by that person, so it might be carried by any means (even by air), or a part of a mobile dwelling system made available for citizens in any city.

In our view, almost any camping system could cover the minimum needs, but it would not be adaptable to different situations. So we conceived a system with three preconditions: it should be possible to stand on the whole of its surface; its structure should be stable and its skin should be adaptable to the place and time of the stay; and the system should meet the minimum needs of hygiene and comfort.

In the cracks of programmed elements we find the most dynamic, convulsed spaced of the city every day. Urban voids (suitable for being spontaneously and immediately appropriated), public spaces (basically stable but with potential for programmed flexibility) and even some private spaces (for years underused and waiting to be exploited) might on many occasions receive non-permanent dwellings that solved temporary problems or decisions.